Welcome to BikersBuddy, a service provided by the BikersBuddy team. Before you dive into our platform, please take a moment to review the following Terms and Conditions:

General BikersBuddy is a platform dedicated to facilitating the buying and selling of motorcycle-related goods and services. Advertisers and users are responsible for ensuring that all content uploaded to BikersBuddy complies with applicable laws. BikersBuddy and the BikersBuddy team assume no responsibility for any illegality or inaccuracy of the content.

Copyright By uploading content to BikersBuddy, advertisers grant BikersBuddy and the BikersBuddy team a perpetual, royalty-free, irrevocable, non-exclusive right and license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, and distribute such content.

Watermarks All images uploaded to BikersBuddy are watermarked to prevent unauthorized use without the consent of the advertiser.

Safety and Images BikersBuddy reserves the right to change the title of content for editorial purposes and may choose not to publish irrelevant or rule-violating images.

Personal BikersBuddy has the right to cooperate with authorities if any content violates the law. Advertisers, users, or buyers may have their identities determined, and IP addresses may be registered to ensure compliance with the Terms and Conditions.

Privacy By using BikersBuddy, users and advertisers consent to the collection and use of their information by BikersBuddy and the BikersBuddy team. This information may be disclosed to Company Affiliates and others for various purposes, including administering, supporting, and improving BikersBuddy.

Cookies BikersBuddy uses cookies to enhance functionality. Users must have cookies enabled on their devices for full functionality.

Email Address of Users Users must submit a valid email address to post advertisements on BikersBuddy. Email addresses are not publicly displayed, but users may receive emails through BikersBuddy.

Site Availability BikersBuddy does not guarantee continuous or secure access to the website.

Links to Third Party Websites BikersBuddy may contain links to third-party websites, for which BikersBuddy and the BikersBuddy team are not responsible.

Paid Content and Services Certain content and services on BikersBuddy require payment, including membership packages and select ad categories.

Memberships As part of a membership package, BikersBuddy will create a Shop on behalf of the user. BikersBuddy reserves the right to manage the content of these Shops.

Disclaimer BikersBuddy and the BikersBuddy team assume no responsibility for errors on the platform, third-party websites, or any damages resulting from the use of BikersBuddy.

Indemnification Advertisers and users agree to indemnify BikersBuddy and the BikersBuddy team against all losses resulting from any violation of the Terms and Conditions.

Modifications BikersBuddy reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions, with such modifications becoming effective immediately upon posting on the platform.

Governing Law BikersBuddy operates under the laws and regulations of Bangladesh.

By using BikersBuddy, you agree to abide by these Terms and Conditions. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Thank you for choosing BikersBuddy!